Our Trustline

We are committed to perform with highest integrity and ethical standards. We operate at full transparency to build and maintain the trust of all our stakeholders.

As our Company’s employees, contractors, vendors, subcontractors ( and their employees) and anyone else with whom we do business, you should report what you witness to be any situation that raises questions or suggests possible violation of any law or regulation applicable to our operation, such as but not limited to, any act of fraud, misconduct, bribery, corruption, theft, conflict of interest at any of our Company’s premises or in relation to our business. You can safely report your concerns to our Internal Audit team through our several secure and confidential channels:

Email: Internalaudit@blinkexperience.com

Hotline: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (+966) 12 181 010

Through these channels above, you can stay completely anonymous if you prefer so. We advise you to refrain from discussing any matter related to any notification you submit to us, as it could affect the investigation.

we protect those who report concerns from retaliation, victimization, harassment, or disciplinary action because of any disclosure.